Rising Phoenix Ministries LLC

Drug & Alcohol Referrals

My name is Mark Riddle. I am 59 years old and have many years of Drug and Alcohol experiences.

I have done just about everything you can think of. I am not proud of this . I kept trying to get clean and sober but it seemed to only go back to what I knew about the drug and alcohol lifestyle.

I am clean and sober now and have been for a good stretch of time. I have 47 years of in and out looking for what I thought others had. Quality of life and how to deal with traumatic events.

I was born and raised in Phoenix Az. on May 14, 1963. That day was the day my mom became paralyzed. This was a dramatic blow to the family. Several years later my sister passed away from cancer. She was 11 at the time.

As a young man I took the responsibility for these events and thought it was all my fault. I thought if I was not born my family would have been ok. As a child I did not understand any of it. I started using drugs and alcohol at the age of 11 and used whenever I had the opportunity.

My teen years were filled with drinking and using just to cope. It did not help that I was in Learning Disability classes from 3rd grade on. At the age of 17 I was responsible for the death of my best friend. This is only the beginning of my story there are 42 more years of trials and tribulations. I wanted to set the stage here, and want to help and give back to my community so no one has to walk the road I have been down before.

If you need to talk feel free to contact me at 775-315-8761